
As I mentioned back on the home page, this site is very much an homage to the early web, which itself helped spark interests I still retain years later.

Places like Geocities were inspirational during my formative years, so I fully recognize the role nostalgia carries while attempting to re-create the original sense of escapism I felt during early web exploration.

Today's Web Landscape

It is impossible to ignore the fact that today's web is increasingly polished, centralized, and homogeneous, with commercial interests doing little to reverse that trajectory:

  • Dominant design languages are flat and minimal, completely devoid of any sense of personality
  • Modern search engines push corporate and sponsored content to the forefront, while burying any unique sites that may still exist

Truly Logging Out

Before the era of constant connectivity and ubiquitous digital devices, there was no need for a deliberate "digital detox" from the relentless man-made horrors beyond our comprehension we're shown daily.

Simply stepping away from the computer or closing a laptop meant disconnecting and going offline, creating a definitive end to a purposeful session.

However, today, even if we manage to muster the willpower to close highly addictive and intentionally designed apps, we're often drawn back within minutes by the buzz of notifications.

Sites as Personal Spaces

Webmasters took great pride in creating unique and deeply personal sites that truly acted as a reflection and extension of themselves.

Creating this site and its content that I know most will not encounter, is a nod to those feelings and experiences, however fleeting they may be.